Disguise of the Actual

Our actual life is a disguise, no one expresses what he really is. Job could not express actually, either before or after his suffering, what he really was. The ”great Divine event” to which we look forward is when the earth will actually express itself as a work of God, and saints will actually express themselves as the sons of God. Meanwhile, actual appearances do not express the real things. All through Job has maintained his belief that God is honorable; he declares that the friends credal statements of God was not adequate because they said things he could disprove from his own experience “Why I am suffering, I do not know; but your explanation does not satisfy me. Though he slay me, though I am knocked to pieces really, I believe that God is honorable, the God of love and justice, and I will wait for him, and one day it will be proved, that my faith was right.” That is the sublime reach of Jobs faith.


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drummer, musician, videographer, new media specialist, producer, imaginator

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