law / instructions

It is interesting how the word law, as in Gods law, has come to mean ‘rules that are no fun’, when in reality what the word really means is something more akin to ‘instructions on how not to die / destroy yourself’. If I am lost in the wild woods I want directions on how

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get smeared?

I have been reading through psalm 119 lately, and it is so rich with great teaching and maxims. I am torn between two today that I’d like to share – so I’ll do both. The first one is; Psa 119:14 I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as [much as] in all riches.

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what you do VS who you are

As a recently laid off Christian Education Counselor and teacher – I find myself with some time for reflection. Oswald Chambers mentions that as Christian workers it is not so much what we do (the activity or occupation we are involved in) but who we are that is important. The important focus is our walk

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If thou wouldst have me speak, Lord, give me speech.      So many cries are uttered now-a-days,      That scarce a song, however clear and true,      Will thread the jostling tumult safe, and reach      The ears of men buz-filled with poor denays:      Barb thou my words with light, make my song new,

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global warming and the bible

I was reading recently in Genesis about the account of Noahs ark. After Noah made the sacrifice, having been delivered safely through the flood, God makes a promise; Gen 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. I find it hilarious

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a generational curse…is this concept biblical?

For years now I have been hearing people mention generational curses as a way of accounting for our weaknesses and sins. The idea goes something like this: God said (presumably – more on this later) “I will curse you unto the 3rd and 4th generation” somewhere in the old testament. From there we have many

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being sorry, guilt and shame

There seems to be a lot of new Christians that struggle with the concepts of guilt and shame and proper sorrow. Some teachers and counselors will argue all shame is bad – for example, and others will say we are guilty sinners and we had better admit it and live with it. I am not

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creative core

I was reading recently a writer that described God as the creative core. He (George Macdonald) said that we can better call poets “finders”- since the ideas we “get”are found and given to us from God. I so agree with this. “Why…” he adds “…are you so surprised by the idea, if it was yours

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I was doing a keyword search today for praise, going through to Hebrew origin. I was reading a psalm and I was surprised to find the first 3 meanings have to do with what I would call an action of attack. 1) throw, 2) shoot arrows, 3) cast down – look for yourself-> praise Now,

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Some time ago I was considering an upcoming job interview that listed “stress bestendig” (“handles stress” in Dutch) as a key requirement. After some thinking and praying I had the revelation that stress is caused by loss of proper perspective. You could say in simple terms making mountains out of molehills the world over –

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New Song! hear the drum